- (?), Alice to Artz, Lawrence Henry
- Artz, Lester Martin to Betz, Valerie
- Beury, A. Valeria to Borke, Philip Samuel
- Bosack, Diane P. to Buggy, James C.
- Bumersbach, Elizabeth to Coleman, Mary
- Coleman, Mary Amanda to Deibler, Shelva J.
- Deichert, Alverta M. to Dinger, Minerva Esther Joanna
- Dininni, Rudolph to Erdman, William Lamar
- Erdman, William Ralph to Gallagher, Louise F.
- Gamber, Charlotte to Hain, William Norman
- Haines, Beulah M. to Henry, Mildred
- Hensel, Minnie L. to Hoke, William Henry
- Holdeman, Catherine to Kahler, William A.
- Kain, Daniel H. to Kline, Yvonne
- Klinger Moyer, Infant Son to Klinger, Edna Irene
- Klinger, Edna May to Klinger, Immanuel
- Klinger, Inez Mae to Klinger, Mary
- Klinger, Mary to Klinger, Vertie and Bertie
- Klinger, Viah and Violette to Koppenhaver, Larry Paul
- Koppenhaver, Lillian Miller to Leiser, Ronald K.
- Leister, Annie C. to Long, Sarah Susannah
- Long, Stella May to Maurer, William V.
- Maurey, Ernest Ray to Miller, Ned Ellsworth
- Miller, Newton William to Neumeister, Dorothy Lamae
- Neumister, Ida to Phillips, William E.
- Piano, Annamarie to Reinoehl, Roy Henry
- Reisch, Helen Mae to Rothermel, Guy William
- Rothermel, Hannah to Savidge, Wilmer Leroy
- Sawyer, Dustin to Schoffstall, Peter
- Schoffstall, Rebecca to Schwalm, Samuel
- Schwalm, Samuel Ellsworth to Shipman, Frank C.
- Shippy, Cora to Snyder, Winnie S.
- Socciarelli, Eddie to Straub, Russell C.
- Straub, Russell E. to Troutman, Elizabeth
- Troutman, Elizabeth to Wagner, William H.
- Wagner-Lane, Noah James to Wiest, Carley L.
- Wiest, Carlos Howard to Williams, Irvin Lee
- Williams, John Clair to Wright, Mary Ellen
- Wrightstone, Edwin Underwood to Zipf, Mary E.