• [S13] Ancestors of Clarence Albert Schive, Jr.; Descendants of Johannes Wilhelm Persing, online: http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/l/a/t/…. Hereinafter cited as Descendants of Johannes Wilhelm Persing.
  • [S26] Buffington Family Tree, online www.homestead.com/JoeBuffington/RichardBuffingtonFamilyTree.html, (data downloaded 2001; available 2006). Hereinafter cited as Buffington Family Tree.
  • [S37] Date of Death computed from information on tombstone.
  • [S129] St. Michael's Church, Burials, Klingerstown, PA, online ftp://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/pa/schuylkill/church/stmich002.txt. Hereinafter cited as St. Michael's Burials.
  • [S130] St. Michael's Church, Marriages, Klingerstown, PA, online: ftp://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/pa/schuylkill/church/stmich004.txt. Hereinafter cited as St. Michael's Marriages.
  • [S165] Phillip A. Rice and Jean A. Dellock, compiler, St. John's Lutheran Church near Berrysburg, Mifflin Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania (Apollo, PA: Closson Press for Schuylkill Roots, 1996). Hereinafter cited as St. John's Church (Berrysburg) Records.
  • [S175] Joseph A. Meiser Jr. and Sarah Roadarmel Meiser, Genealogists Guide to Burials in Northumberland County, PA, Volume I (Grantham, PA: Ddraig Gocch Publications, Robert L.K. Jones, 3rd edition 1997). Hereinafter cited as Northumberland County Burials I.
  • [S195] Phillip A. Rice and Jean A. Dellock, compiler, Herb's Church Record , Schuylkill County Pennsylvania Archives vol. I (Apollo, PA: Closson Press, 1998). Hereinafter cited as Herb's Church, Schuylkill County Pennsylvania Archives vol. I.
  • [S218] "Frederick S. Schwalm," Journal of the Johannes Schwalm Historical Association, vol. 2, no. 2, p. 60 (1982).
  • [S220] "Additions and Corrections," Journal of the Johannes Schwalm Historical Association, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 71 (1981).
  • [S238] George H. Schwalm and N. Daniel Schwalm, "All In The Family," Journal of the Johannes Schwalm Historical Association, vol. 4, no. 4 (1992).
  • [S243] George H. Schwalm and N. Daniel Schwalm, "All In The Family," Journal of the Johannes Schwalm Historical Association, vol. 5, no. 4 (1996).
  • [S293] Interview with Connie Mae (Neidig) Klinger (Trevorton, PA), by Marion T. Klinger, July, 2005.
  • [S399] Spotts, Faye M., Obituary, Patriot-News, Harrisburg, PA, November 16, 2006. Hereinafter cited as Faye M. Spotts Obituary.
  • [S402] Interview with Lee Darwin Schmeltz (Las Cruces, NM), by Carlos Klinger, 2006.
  • [S409] Bobbyetta Ganunis, St. Michael's Church Cemetery Roster, online http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/pa/schuylkill/…, 1988. Hereinafter cited as St. Michael's Cemetery Roster.
  • [S414] Kissinger, Eva G., Obituary, The Daily Item, Sunbury, PA, December 23, 2006. Hereinafter cited as Eva G. Kissinger Obituary.
  • [S423] Lohr, George, Obituary, Republican & Herald, Pottsville, PA, January 12, 2007. Hereinafter cited as George Lohr Obituary.
  • [S451] Ramberger, Daniel E., Obituary, 1959. Hereinafter cited as Daniel Ramberger Obituary.
  • [S458] Mary Jane Martz, "Carl G. Martz Family Sheet", July 30, 1983 (29 W. Main Street, Elizabethville, PA). . Hereinafter cited as "Carl G. Martz Family Sheet."
  • [S512] Troy A. Schreiber, "Lillie Irene Klinger," e-mail message from e-mail address (Millersburg, PA) to Max E. Klinger, September, 2007. Hereinafter cited as "Troy Schreiber E-Mail."
  • [S533] Bingaman, Dennis K., Obituary, Daily Item, Sunbury, PA, November 17, 2007. Hereinafter cited as Dennis K. Bingaman Obituary.
  • [S537] Knorr, Willard A., Obituary, Daily Item, Sunbury, PA, December 4, 2007. Hereinafter cited as Willard A. Knorr Obituary.
  • [S545] Snyder, Margaret I., Obituary, Daily Item, Sunbury, PA, December 22, 2007. Hereinafter cited as Margaret I. Snyder Obituary.
  • [S559] Lohr, Elsie Irene, Obituary, Republican & Herald, Pottsville, PA, February 7, 2008. Hereinafter cited as Elsie Irene Lohr Obituary.
  • [S568] Schreffler, Betty J., Obituary, Daily Item, Sunbury, PA, May 12, 2008. Hereinafter cited as Betty J. Schreffler Obituary.
  • [S574] Troutman, Gilbert Eugene, Obituary, Daily Item, Sunbury, PA, May 20, 2008. Hereinafter cited as Gilbert Eugene Troutman Obituary.
  • [S589] Troy A. Schreiber, "Philip Klinger," private correspondence , July, 2008. Hereinafter cited as "Philip Klinger."
  • [S605] Troy A. Schreiber, "Phillip Klinger," private correspondence , August, 2008. Hereinafter cited as "Philip Klinger."
  • [S616] Rabuck, William H., Obituary, Republican & Herald, Pottsville, PA, October 22, 2008. Hereinafter cited as William H. Rabuck Obituary.
  • [S629] Weaver, Bertha M., Obituary, Republican & Herald, Pottsville, PA, December 21, 2008. Hereinafter cited as Bertha M. Weaver Obituary.
  • [S665] Lubold, Harvey C., Jr., Obituary, Citizen Standard, Valley View, PA, March, 2009, Hereinafter cited as Harvey C. Lubold Jr. Obituary.
  • [S697] Rabuck, James E., Obituary, Republican & Herald, Pottsville, PA, June 10, 2003, http://www.legacy.com/schuylkill/Obituaries.asp. Hereinafter cited as James E. Rabuck Obituary.
  • [S719] Wood, Louis E., Obituary, Republican & Herald, Pottsville, PA, August 8, 2009. Hereinafter cited as Louis E. Wood Obituary.
  • [S721] Woodruff, Richard Lee, Obituary, Daily Item, Sunbury, PA, August 3, 2009. Hereinafter cited as Richard Lee Woodruff Obituary.
  • [S813] Letter from Forrest Eugene Klinger to Joan Ross Klinger, c. 1970.
  • [S825] The John Troutman Family (n.p.: Self published manuscript, undated). Hereinafter cited as John Troutman Family.
  • [S826] Goudy, June R. Hoffman, Obituary, Patriot-News, Harrisburg, PA, October 6, 2010. Hereinafter cited as June R. Hoffman Goudy Obituary.
  • [S827] Phillip A. Rice and Jean A. Dellock Schuylkill County Pennsylvania Archives, III (Apollo, Pennsylvania: Closson Press, 1996). Hereinafter cited as St. Michael's Church Records.
  • [S846] Compiler: Glen P. Schwalm MD, St Peter's (Hoffman's) Church Cemetery Records (Laughlintown, PA: Dauphin County Vital Records, vol. 1, 1991). Hereinafter cited as Hoffman's Church Cemetery.
  • [S909] Martz, Carl G., Obituary, Patriot-News, Harrisburg, PA, January 10, 2012. Hereinafter cited as Carl G. Martz Obituary.
  • [S1003] Klinger, George E., Obituary, The Papers Inc., Milford, IN, December 19, 2013. Hereinafter cited as George E. Klinger Obituary.
  • [S1004] U.S. Civil War Soldiers 1861-1865, National Park Service data online online www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as U.S. Civil War Soldiers.
  • [S1141] Jeff Tocket, Tocket Lomano Family Tree, online http://family2.tocket.com/, ,Jeff Tocket (unknown location)., downloaded November 4, 2015.
  • [S1161] Deibert, Arlene E., Obituary, Republican & Herald, Pottsville, PA, November 24, 2015. Hereinafter cited as Arlene E. Deibert Obituary.
  • [S1186] Don Reed and N. Daniel Schwalm, "All In The Family," The Hessians: Journal of the Johannes Schwalm Historical Association, vol. 16 (2013).
  • [S1188] Don Reed and N. Daniel Schwalm, "All In The Family," The Hessians: Journal of the Johannes Schwalm Historical Association, vol. 18 (2015).
  • [S1204] Phillip A. Rice, Jodi A. Germani and Jean A. Dellock, compilers, Simeon Reformed Church Records in Dauphin County Vital Records, Volume 1 (Laughlintown, PA: Southwest Pennsylvania Genealogical Services, 1991). Hereinafter cited as Simeon Lutheran Church Records.
  • [S1332] Civil War Blog, online civilwar.gratzpa.org. Hereinafter cited as civilwar.gratzpa.org.
  • [S1379] Steve E. Troutman and Jeanne J. Adams, The Rambergers of Rough and Ready (Camp Hill, PA: Sunbury Press, Inc., 2012). Hereinafter cited as Rambergers of Rough and Ready.